Hello, everyone! If you, too, love and believe in Jesus Christ, please feel free to
share in this blog your own prayers, thoughts and reflections by emailing me at Please include a sentence or two about who you are. You may also leave comments to my post. Thanks and God bless.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Luke 11:1-13- Lord, teach us to pray.

Luke 11:1-13 was the gospel reading last Sunday, July 25, 2010.

As I pondered on this reading, I was struck by the phrases-
"Lord, teach us to pray."
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you..."
"Even you evil people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more then will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him."

I realized that prayer is a critical component of my relationship with God. It is that which binds me to Him. Prayer is my link to Him. If I don't pray at all, I probably don't have a relationship with my God. Or if I pray little, maybe I really don't trust and love Him that much. But if I do pray so often, whether formally, as in Church or in front of the Blessed Sacrament, or informally - like when I just call on Him or remember Him while cooking or washing the dishes or while strolling, it most probably means I have a special relationship with my God.

As the priest in his homily said last Sunday: do you, as a spouse, go about your day without ever thinking about your partner? Or as a parent, do you ever go about your day without ever thinking about your child? If you love your spouse or your child, it is but natural that they are in your mind... and so it should be with God if He is somebody in your life.

Prayer comes naturally when we have a relationship with God. And the quality of our prayer determines the quality of that relationship. Oftentimes, the quality of our prayer life is also directly proportional to our quality of life. (The quality of life here is not in terms of money but in terms of joy, peace and contentment.)

In this gospel reading, I realized two important things about prayer. First, my prayer has to be persistent. Like the friend in the gospel story, he relented to his friend's request not because he wanted to but because his friend was so persistent.

Second, God will never deny me the Holy Spirit if I ask for it.

Remember, the Holy Spirit is the Paraclete, the Helper promised by Jesus Christ before He ascended into heaven.

If I have the Holy Spirit in me to guide me in my life, I'll never go wrong or go astray. Indeed I have proven this to be true.

Last year, a friend of mine from BLD encouraged me to pray to the Holy Spirit when I told her about my desire to seek the will of God in my life.

Since then, I have often prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide me to know God's will for me, to be with me, to mold me, to change me into the person that He wants me to be.

True enough, my prayer to be able to discern God's will came about.

I know I am not perfect yet. I still stumble in my walk with the Lord. I am often unfaithful. But at least I know that I can always run back to my God, and His grace is just a prayer away.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Powers of the Holy Mass

Some few days ago I received this forwarded email from a friend from BLD. It is about the powers of the Holy Mass. Here it goes...

The Powers of the Holy Mass

At the hour of death the Holy Masses you have heard devoutly will be your greatest consolation.

Every Mass will go with you to Judgement and will plead for pardon for you.

By every Mass you can diminish the temporal punishment due to your sins, more or less, according to your fervour.

By devoutly assisting at Holy Mass you render the greatest homage possible to the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord.

Through the Holy Sacrifice, Our Lord Jesus Christ supplies for many of your negligences an omissions.

He forgives you all the venial sins which you are determined to avoid. He forgives you all your unknown sins which you never confessed. The power of Satan over you is diminished.

By piously hearing Holy Mass you afford the Souls in Purgatory the greatest possible relief.

Through Holy Mass you are preserved from many dangers and misfortunes which would otherwise have befallen you. You shorten your Purgatory by every Mass.

Through the Holy Mass you are blessed in your temporal goods and affairs.

When you hear Holy Mass devoutly, offering it to Almighty God in honour of any particular Saint or Angel, thanking God for the favours bestowed on him, etc., you afford that Saint or Angel a new degree of honour, joy and happiness, and draw his special love and protection on yourself.

Every time you assist at Holy Mass, besides other intentions, you should offer it in honor of the Saint of the day.

"The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!"
~Pope Paul VI~

For each Mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death.
~revelation of Christ to St. Gertrude the Great~

Once, St. Teresa was overwhelmed with God's Goodness and asked Our Lord "How can I thank you?" Our Lord replied, "ATTEND ONE MASS."

The Blessed Virgin Mary once told Her faithful servant Alain: "My Son so loves those who assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that, if it were necessary He would die for them as many times as they've heard Masses."

"The Holy Mass would be of greater profit if people had it offered in their lifetime, rather than having it celebrated for the relief of their souls after death."
~Pope Benedict XV~

A great doctor of the Church, St. Anselm, declares that a single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after death. St. Leonard of Port Maurice supports this statement by saying that one Mass before death may be more profitable than many after it.

"When we receive Holy Communion, we experience something extraordinary - a joy, a fragrance, a well being that thrills the whole body and causes it to exalt."
~ Saint Jean Vianney~

"The celebration of Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the cross."
~Saint Thomas Aquinas~

"If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy."
~ Saint Jean Vianney~

"There is nothing so great as the Eucharist. If God had something more precious, He would have given it to us."
~ Saint Jean Vianney~

"It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass. "
~St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), stigmatic priest~

"When we have been to Holy Communion, the balm of love envelops the soul as the flower envelops the bee."
~ Saint Jean Vianney~

"The heavens open and multitudes of angels come to assist in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. "
~Saint Gregory~

"The angels surround and help the priest when he is celebrating Mass."
~ St. Augustine ~

"When Mass is being celebrated, the sanctuary is filled with countless angels who adore the divine victim immolated on the altar."
~ St. John Chrysostom~

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

On Prayer and other things in life

This is actually a forwarded email I received from a friend. I thought it would be nice to share it here with all of you... to ponder on...

"Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it
is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.

Do you know why a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rear view Mirror is
so small?
Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. Look Ahead and Move

Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes
years to write.

All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not
last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.

Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond,
don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base
of Gold!

Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above
and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!

When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD
doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.

A blind person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be anything worse than
losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"

When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and
sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed
for you.

WORRYING does not take away tomorrows' TROUBLES, it takes away today’s

God bless!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

On Blessed Virgin Mary, statues and Catholics

Last night I attended a procession that culminated with a mass concelebrated by our Archbishop and two priests. The Archbishop in his homily mentioned about the misconception that many people including Catholics have regarding our relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

Some people especially those from other faith think we Catholics are idolaters because of the statues that we have in our churches, homes and/or altars.

The Catholic Church is not teaching its faithful to adore Mary. Rather, we honor her and give her special attention because she is the mother of our Lord Jesus, son of the Most High God. Thus, we Catholics only venerate Mary.

When we pray to Mary, we are simply asking her to intercede for us to her son Jesus. As the mother, we believe that the son almost often especially if he is an obedient son, will listen to what his mother would say or tell him. (Remember the story of the Wedding in Cana? Mary requested Jesus to turn the water into wine. Although Jesus said it was not yet his time, but he did turn the water into wine. I believe it was done because his mother requested him so.)

The prayer "Hail Mary, full of grace..." is found in the bible. It is the greeting that Elizabeth gave Mary when the latter visited the former after the annunciation.

Statues are just representations of the persons. The statues are like pictures.

Let me give you an analogy.

The picture of my husband is not my husband himself, but it gives me a visual representation of him even when he is traveling thousands of miles away from me.

When I miss my husband when he is away for too long, especially when it is impossible to call him over long distance, I usually would grab a picture of him to ease my longing. Maybe like some of you, I also would talk to the picture as if he were there right in front of me, or may even kiss the picture.

Similarly, the statues that we Catholics keep of Mary and other saints, and even that of Jesus, are not the very thing that we idolize (in the case of Jesus) or venerate (in the case of the saints). They are just but visual representations of these persons.

I admit though that there are some Catholics who are not quite educated on this matter and therefore might have the tendency to believe and do contrary to the catholic official teaching.

It is my hope that they will soon realize the difference between the person and the statue or the picture; and the difference between idolizing and venerating.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Abortion: The Silent Scream

I recently joined a mother's forum when one of the discussions caught my attention. It was about abortion.

I took a look at what other mothers/forum members have to say about the topic- ABORTION.

Back in the eighties while I was still in school, I remember watching a documentary video on abortion entitled "Silent Scream". The video left a lasting impression in my mind and in my heart.

Thus, I added my own comment to the discussion in that forum with a link to the SILENT SCREAM videos which I gladly found to be published in the web in this link here.

Later, I also found that the same video is in Youtube and I took the opportunity to republish it here.

As a mother, I wish to share to all women (and men) this information. If you are contemplating abortion at this very moment, I beg you to please watch the Silent Scream video first, then later, I encourage you to have an ultrasound of your baby in your womb before you make your final decision.

ABORTION - THE SILENT SCREAM COMPLETE VERSION (with permission from APF). Republished with Permission from Roy Tidwell of American Portrait Films.

VHS/DVDs Available
American Portrait Films
Call 1-800-736-4567

This has been performed as asked. This video is perfectly legal.

The Silent Scream Complete Version - Abortion as Infanticide

Dr. Bernard Nathanson's classic video that shocked the world. He explains the procedure of a suction abortion, followed by an actual first trimester abortion as seen through ultrasound. The viewer can see the child's pathetic attempts to escape the suction curette as her heart rate doubles, and a "silent scream" as her body is torn apart. A great tool to help people see why abortion is murder. The most important video on abortion ever made. This video changed opinion on abortion to many people.
Introduction by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, host. Describes the technology of ultrasound and how, for the first time ever, we can actually see inside the womb. Dr. Nathanson further describes the ultrasound technique and shows examples of babies in the womb. Three-dimensional depiction of the developing fetus, from 4 weeks through 28 weeks. Display and usage of the abortionists' tools, plus video of an abortionist performing a suction abortion. Dr. Nathanson discusses the abortionist who agreed to allow this abortion to be filmed with ultrasound. The abortionist was quite skilled, having performed more than 10,000 abortions. We discover that the resulting ultrasound of his abortion so appalled him that he never again performed another abortion. The clip begins with an ultrasound of the fetus (girl) who is about to be aborted. The girl is moving in the womb; displays a heartbeat of 140 per minute; and is at times sucking her thumb. As the abortionist's suction tip begins to invade the womb, the child rears and moves violently in an attempt to avoid the instrument. Her mouth is visibly open in a "silent scream." The child's heart rate speeds up dramatically (to 200 beats per minute) as she senses aggression. She moves violently away in a pathetic attempt to escape the instrument. The abortionist's suction tip begins to rip the baby's limbs from its body, ultimately leaving only her head in the uterus (too large to be pulled from the uterus in one piece). The abortionist attempts to crush her head with his forceps, allowing it to be removed. In an effort to "dehumanize" the procedure, the abortionist and anesthesiologist refer to the baby's head as "number 1." The abortionist crushes "number 1" with the forceps and removes it from the uterus. Abortion statistics are revealed, as well as who benefits from the enormously lucrative industry that has developed. Clinics are now franchised, and there is ample evidence that many are controlled by organized crime. Women are victims, too. They haven't been told about the true nature of the unborn child or the facts about abortion procedures. Their wombs have been perforated, infected, destroyed, and sterilized. All as a result of an operation about which they they have had no true knowledge. Films like this must be made part of "informed consent." NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) and Planned Parenthood are accused of a conspiracy of silence, of keeping women in the dark about the reality of abortion. Finally, Dr. Nathanson discusses his credentials. He is a former abortionist, having been the director of the largest clinic in the Western world.

Monday, April 19, 2010

MI CORAZON by Don Moen

This song, Mi Corazon, speaks a thousand words for me.

Last November 2009, I made a major decision in life after attending an Advent recollection. When I had that recollection I was in the middle of a discernment on what to do with my life.

I remember I was deeply struck by the verse in the gospel of Matthew 6:33 which reads: "But seek first the kingdom (of God) and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides." I realized that the foremost priority of my life is to serve God. And in my discernment I realized that God is asking me to serve Him as a mother and as a community servant.

After the recollection, I made a radical decision to leave my full-time job as an internal auditor so I can give more of my waking hours attending to the needs of my family, and to dedicate the rest of my time to helping our community, the BLD, in its mission.

I know my decision was so radical that it left a lot of why's to many of my kins and friends. But I'm glad my husband supports my decision and he truly understands my reason. Yet it pains me to see and know that some of my loved ones cannot understand why I decided to leave my full time job in favor of motherhood and community service.

But in the end, I thought, I am only accountable to God and not to any man.

I have made a decision to follow His will and there is no turning back. I have to embrace the cross that comes along with such decision. But I also claim in faith the promise He made in the same gospel verse, Matthew 6:33 that "...all things will be given you besides."

So as I sing this song, Mi Corazon, I feel its words and I embrace them as my own. For indeed I wish to dedicate my life in His service, according to how He revealed His will to me and as He reveals more of them...

I am God's servant, though unworthy, I want to follow Him more closely...


Here is the lyrics of this beautiful song:

MI CORAZON (English)

My heart is filled with songs of praise
You gave me hope You made a way

Now I long to live In your presence
For all of my day

My soul sings, my spirit shouts
With every breathe
I'm crying out

I want to live for You alone
You have captured my heart
Mi corazon

Lord I give You my whole heart
Mi corazon

Amazing grace has rescued me
You paid the price
You set me free

I will sing Your praises forever
My Savior and King

My soul sings, my spirit shouts
With every breathe
I'm crying out

I want to live for You alone
You have captured my heart
Mi corazon

Lord I give You my whole heart
Mi corazon

I will give You glory
Tell the world the story
How You rescued me

I'm the guilty one
But You sacrificed
Your Son, Your one and only

Now I stand before You
Blameless and holy

My soul sings, my spirit shouts
With every breathe
I'm crying out

I want to live for You alone
You have captured my heart

My soul sings, my spirit shouts
With every breathe
I'm crying out

I want to live for You alone
You have captured my heart
Mi corazon

Lord I give You my whole heart
Mi corazon...

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Hello, everyone!

Life is a journey.  I believe the outcome of  our life journey depends largely on the choices we have made or are making  in  this life. Sometimes there are events in our lives that we cannot explain, but I always believe that everything happens for a reason (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) that only our Creator, the Almighty, knows why. Definitely, He allowed it to happen  so we can learn something out of it. Whatever is the reason,  I trust in God's wisdom, that it is always for our own good- to teach us a lesson so that eventually we can fulfill the purpose for which we were created.

Allow me then to share with you this beautiful poem which was shared with me by a friend some years ago.


Whether you are ready or not, someday your life will come to an end.
There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours, or days.
All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else.
Your wealth, fame, and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.
Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.
So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will expire.
The winds and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.
It won't matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived at the end.
It won't matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant, even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.
So what will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success, but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage, or sacrifice that enriched, empowered, or encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence, but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you are gone.
What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who love you.
What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom, and for what.
Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident. It's not a matter of circumstances, but of choice.
Choose to live a life that matters.

Indeed, the choice is ours. So are you going to live a life that matters or just let it pass you by?